Monday, June 13, 2011

Předodjezdový seminař YFU 2011

Díky všem za skvělý výlet do Srbska :)
Jsem ráda, že jsme strávili tři rozkošné dny spolu!

10-12 JUNE 2011

We had the last YFU seminar of our year in the Czech Republic. It was really amazing, when you do not think about going home in 2 weeks. Nobody of us (exchange students) don't want to go away from this beautiful country where we have a lot of new friends... We have rich experience in the international sphere and are better prepaired to independent life in Europe. Some of us will probably come back to the Czech Republic one day to study or just to meet friends and host-family. I'm sure, that this year gave us a lot and we are really proud of ourselves!

Thanks to all, who had made our exchange year the best year of our lifes!

See you in the YES!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Velikonoční prázdniny

Oh... Holidays are over, but the places I've been to with my host family these days were really amazing!
23.04-24.04.2011 we a nice trip to the central part of Czech Republic. First we went to the place named Šťastná země. Children were very happy to have such a good oportunity to play there! The weather was also very sunny and hot as if it were summer! I got home and realized, that it was raining in Jesenik. So, we were really lucky to be away these days.

Our morning (24.04) we started with visiting several castles and well-known rocks in the "Czech Paradise" (Český Ráj).

And in the evening we went to the ZOO Dvůr Králové.

And every day I wonder what a beautiful life I live...

Monday, April 4, 2011

Are our dreams a part of reality?

     Dreams... That is something today's science can not explane. Every night we see a lot of dreams, which we often don't remember. They may consist of  past situations from our life, future events or just some kind of weird "fairytales". Nobody knows why do we see these images, getting new ideas or emotions while sleeping.
     So... Why did I started to write about dreams? Yesterday I got a message from my friend, who lives in Estonia. He wrote me, that he had a dream about me. I was quite surprised, because I didn't expected that I will ever come to someone's dream just because I didn't see him for almost a year. Actually I didn't think just about one person. I thougt about the time I spent with my friends in Estonia before i left... And today... guess, what happened... I got another message from another friend, who also had a dream about me...  What will be tomorrow? Another message with the same content?
It's not impossible, but it's happening to me! 
I don't know how, but i surely know IT WORKS!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Something strange is happening to me...

Time flies over us, but leaves it shadow behind.
Nathaniel Hawthorne

I have a really strange feeling...

During these 8 months I have felt so good, relaxed and happy... So HAPPY about my wonderful exchange year in Czech Republic. I've been being surrounded by nice people! And THEY made my life so BEAUTIFUL!!!


Some days ago I realized, that 3 months only have left... Every day I go to school thinking about this. I'm really not able to imagine my life without my new friends, without this amazing country... WITHOUT ALL THIS EMOTIONS I CAN GET ONLY HERE...
Yesterday I watched some pictures taken at the beginning of my exchange year... You know, I can remember EVERYTHING as if it were yesterday...

I don't know what to do...

I'm happy, that I'm still here, but I feel sad, because in 3 months I'll go away...
But at the same time, I feel happy about meeting my friends and family in Estonia...
Oh... It's so difficult to describe my feelings...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Shortly about February

ČOKOPARTY 11.02.2011

 It was the first chocolate-party in my life. And it was really GOOD!

Then... 16-20.02.2011 In the town named Frenštát Pod Radhoštěm I had the skiing course organised by YFU! During that course I've learned some words and phrases in Slovak. Oh, how wonderful was it to do downhill skiing with such a nice people! I will never forget this 5 days of active-sport holiday!

From 22.02.2011 I'm 18-year old child :D

I'm really HAPPY that I'm in Czech Republic now and that I have such a nice and friendly people around me!
Thank YOU all! Without YOU my exchange year wouldn't be so nice!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

The winter is back again!

Week ago we had spring weather in Czech Republic. It's quite odd to have the air temperature +7 - +10 degrees in the second winter month... The sun was shining and the birds were singing, but was it so good?
Most of us would allege, that there's nothing wrong, because last 2 years were practically the same. But I'm utterly convinced, that it's not normal to have the "spring" in the middle of the winter. Humanity had interfered to the "innermost things" of the nature and the nature started to delude itself and everything was driven to madness. This hot winter weather is only the consequence of humanity's big mistakes, which can't be justified.
So... I don't entirely understand the people's joy of having no snow and no frost outside in January. It's just ridiculous to persuade, that this is the normal winter. 
Slowly but surely we route ourselves to the wrong and dangerous way...
And now... Just look outside from your window! Think what you have just read about... Look at your calendar (What month it is? What should it be like?)
Enjoy the REAL winter! Don't worry, you'll have enough hot and sunny days during other seasons!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011