Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Ohh... Time goes reeally fast... And it's DeCeMBeR, the last month of the year 2010...
Soon will be CHRISTMAS and  NEW YEAR!!!

Today was one of the best's december days...
We had Christmas concert in our school, then we went all together to the restaurant, then to the cinema and in the evening only the small group of us watched to another film (this time american).
We spent GREAT time together! I have the best classmates in the world!

So... here is the video from the concert...
enjoy watching it =)

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Above the clouds

Is it really possible to get above the clouds not using the plane or helicopter? Of course it is!

Unreal view from the mountains to the white sea of clouds...

Just like a dream... 

I have no words to describe my feelings...

You should see it yourself to understand what exactly I felt this moment, when I looked down from the 1100 meter hight to the "white milk", which someone accidentally spilled to forests.

This wasn't the only one "fairy tail" of today's walking.
The edge of the road was adorned by hundreds different cobwebs.

What an amazing nature is around us! 
We should become capable of seeing the beauty of life!

Sunday, October 24, 2010


22-23. řijena byla jsem v Mikulovicech.
22-23. October I was in Mikulovice.
22-23. октября была в Микуловицех.
22-23. oktoobril olin Mikulovices.
22-23. Oktober war ich in Mikulovice.

Sunday, September 26, 2010


I didn't write any posts to my blog for a long time, but now I have some interesting news for you!!!

As you know, 18-24 SEPT I was away from Jesenik in sport course, which took place in Ruda nad Moravou. We were really lucky, because the weather was hot and we felt as it was our holiday!
The way to this place (Ruda nad Moravou) was quite long (it took us 4 hours to get to the camp by bike) and because of relief our journey was something like a song or...

UP and DOWN, UP, UP and DOWN and......

Of course, I needed a lot of things to take with me to this course...

bike, guitar, food, clothes etc...

Our program was: BIKE, WATER (canoeing), BALL GAMES and FREE TIME :)

Riding a bike, we travelled to different places round Ruda nad Moravou...

We prepared food ourselves

And there lived mouses in our houses )
they are nice, aren't they?)))

I did really enjoy this sport course!!!
And I would like to thank all the people I was with for this unforgettable week in Ruda nad Moravou!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Třetí stupeň povodňové aktivity

Unfortunately, our trip to Ruda nad Moravou will be later (on the 18. of september) because of the third flood stage...


But today was the beautiful day in Jesenik... Sun was shining and school day passed very quickly.
In the evening we went with my hostfamily to see the battle on horsebacks...
sorry, I have some photos from this performance on my mobile phone, but I can't upload them to my computer

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Rozvrh hodin

Seminařy - Matematika a Deskriptiva

The 1st of september

Hi everybody! It's the 1st of september and the first school day... I have really nice classmates and classteacher. Here is the link to my school web so... if you are interested in this, you may visit Gymnázium Jeseník homepage. Everything is good except the weather. It's raining all the time and every next day is colder than previous...
4.09 - 10.09 I'll have SPORTOVNĚ TURISTCKÝ KURZ somewhere in the place called Ruda nad Moravou. And the weather should be better these days)

Kõigile YFU vahetusõpilastele tahaks soovitada head õppeaasta algust!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

22AUG I met my host family in Janske Lazne and we went to Jesenik through Poland by car. It was a really nice trip. What have I seen!? Corn and sunflowers fields, mountains, forests, czech and polish towns and villages...
23AUG I woke up at 7AM and went jogging to the city center. Of course I took my camera with me and did some photos of buildings there. Jesenik is very nice, cozy and beautiful town near the Polish border and it's surrounded by mountains.
After jogging we went to the rocks named Certovy kameny
24AUG We went to Zlaty Chlum.and after that... by car to Jesenik Lazne
Of course that's not all places what I've visited, but these are the best ones)))

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Here I am, in Janske Lazne. This is amazing place with the beautiful nature and, the most important for me, of course is that we are in the mountains))) Sorry, I have no czech letters and can't write the name of this place correctly))) Anyway... Here I'm speaking English, Czech and Slovak) Trying to speak Czech language, I speak Slovak) Don't really know why is it so. As for the yesterday's day... It was quite tiring. First I had a flight to Helsingi and from there to Prague. The airport of Prague is soooooo big, but I like it very much!!! From the airport we went to YFU CZ office. It took more time, than it may take, 'cause I came to Prague by the time of heavy traffic, especially in the city center. In the office we had a rest and then went to a restaurant named HUSA, where I tryed national czech meal. After that we returned to YFU office and had a rest before the long trip to Janske Lazne(as well as I remember it's about 160km far from Prague) And now I'm here) It's the best place I've ever been to!!! Believe me, I'm really happy!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Вот мы и встретились)))

Lõpuks ometi sain oma klassikaaslastega kokku))) 12AUG
Varsti on äraminek... jäänud on ainult 6 päeva...

Спасибо вам огромное, что пришли, что помокли под летним дождём, наслаждаясь громом и грозой) что послушали мою песню, написанную только для вас!
Я вас обожаю!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

18 days left...

Jäänud on aga 18 päeva. Praegu on juba enam-vähem selge, mida ma kaasa võtan ja mis siis jääb koju mind ootama=) Elu on elu!!! Kui tahad võtta endaga kaasa palju asju, siis ei saa; kui aga on selline võimalus, siis pole vaja nii palju. Eks siis mõne aja pärast näeme kas oli tõesti vaja veel midagi kaasa võtta või ei)))
Ootan nii väga 18 augusti. See päev sümboliseerib uue eluetapi algust ning jääb terveks eluks meelde! Aga Eestis olles ma püüan igast päevast võtta nii palju, kui on üldse võimalik.

Tahaks soovitada kõigile
YFU vahetusõpilastele toredat vahetusaasta!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Some information about...


Tere kõigile!

Mina olen Kristina (17), kes valis oma vahetussmaaks Tšehhi. Mida huvitavat on juba minuga juhtunud? Tegelikult väga väga palju mida on=) Ma ei hakka nüüd pikkalt kirjutama sellest, kuidas ma vahetusõpilaseks sain... Ütlen ainult et leidsin koduleheküljelt väga kasulikku infot, et võib minna YFU (Youth For Understanding) programmi raames vahetusmaale õppima ning see artikel huvitas mind väga. Sain rohkem teada YFU kohta selle organisatsiooni koduleheküljelt ja siis tuli mulle pähe selline mõte et „MIKS MITTE MINNA!?” Nii vist algaski minu vahetusaasta minekuks ettevalmistumine... Ankeedid, intervjüüd, soovituskirjad õpetajatelt jne... Ei ütle et oli see väga lihtne, aga asi on seda väärt, uskuge mind;)! Nüüd ma aga võin ennast julgelt vahetusõpilasena nimetada, kuna varsti on juba mu minek Tšehhi. Jäänud on aga ainult 3 nädalat. Ma ei saa mitte öelda ELOst (Eelorientatstioonist), mis toimus Mustjõel 25-27 juunil. Seal ma sain kõik vajalikku infot vahetusaasta kohta ning väga lõbusasti veetsin oma aega nendega, kes nagu minagi lähevad vahetusaastale. Suured tänud YFUkatele, kes korraldasid sellise suurepärase orientatsiooni.

Lühidalt sellest, mida ma juba teada sain:

Elan ma siis 250km Prahast kaugusel asuvas linnas, mille nimeks on Jesenik.

18 AUG Tallinn-Helsinki-Prague

18-23 AUG PAO (Post Arrival Orintation)


Hi everybody!

I’m Kristina (17) and come from Estonia. This blog is devoted to my friends, relatives and for those people, who are interested in my exchange year in Czech Republic. I’m not very good narrator to describe my life there, but I’ll try to do posts in my blog as interesting as I can. It’s quite difficult to write all the posts in 3 languages, translating and changing the information in each post according to readers. So don’t be surprised if the information in one of the languages is totally different from what I write in another language. Some words about my exchange year… I’ll go to Czech Republic participating in the organization named YFU (Youth For Understanding). My exchange year will begin 18 AUG, when I have the flight Tallinn-Helsinki-Prague. Then (18-23 AUG) I’ll have PAO (Post Arrival Orientation), where I’ll have a chance to meet my fellow students and learn something more about Czech culture. That’s almost all I know about my plans to the nearest time.


Здравствуйте, друзья мои!

Это блог о моей жизни и учёбе в Чехии. Надеюсь, эти записи будут вам интересны (по крайней мере, я постораюсь их сделать как можно интереснее для вас, читателей). Хочеться заранее предупредить, что блог не будет вестись на 3-ёх языках одновременно, поскольку это, как вы, надеюсь, сами прекрасно понимаете, достаточно трудно и займёт слишком много времени. Сейчас же, пока я ещё никуда не уехала, у меня есть возможность сделать первую запись в своём блоге наиболее удобной (в смысле чтения и понимания) для ВСЕХ моих друзей. Что же я знаю о своей поездке в Чехию?

А знаю я то, что...

Жить я буду в 250 км от Праги, в Есенике.

Улетаю 18 августа. (Таллинн-Хельсинки-Прага)

Несколько первых дней провожу в столице Чехии, Праге, а затем направляюсь в сторону Есеника, встречаюсь со своей чешской семьёй и...

продолжение следует...;)